Improving Internal Hiring Practices at the Oregon Employment Department
Alemu, Alula
Bowcutt, Kayla
Hare, Pat
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Department of Planning, Public Policy & Management, University of Oregon
The purpose of this report is to provide useful recommendations to aid the Oregon Employment Department (OED) in improving its internal recruitment process. A team of HR employees within the agency identified room for improvement in its traditional hiring model and reached out to a group of University of Oregon graduate students for fresh ideas. The student research team examined current literature, online resources, and the advice of hiring experts to form a list of current industry strategies and innovative ideas not currently utilized by OED.
As the HR team originally surmised, the student researchers concluded that OED’s recruitment procedures are quite rigid and bureaucratic. It appears that the agency could improve the process in order to recruit a truly exceptional team of staff. There are exceptional candidates out looking for work and OED can hire more of them if it refreshes its hiring strategies, especially where it publicizes positions and how it uses interviews to select the best possible candidates. If OED is able to make beneficial changes, the agency will connect with a larger quantity of high-quality candidates and consequently bring more of them on board.
This report contains a wide range of practices that could be incorporated at OED to breathe new life into the agency. The intention of the student researchers is for the HR team to review the recommendations provided here, discuss the implications of each strategy, determine which would be the most successful at OED, and incorporate those into a tool for hiring managers to use when recruiting new employees.
Examining committee: Colleen Chrisinger