CultureWork ; Vol. 14, No. 02

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Bostwick, Betsy

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Institute for Community Arts Studies, Arts & Administration Program, University of Oregon


Two years ago, while finishing my Master’s Research Project “Going Green with Public Art: Considering Environmental Standards in Public Art Policies”, I began my position as Public Art Manager for the Clackamas County Arts Alliance. The Clackamas County Arts Alliance (CCAA), originally formed as a citizen advisory board for the Board of County Commissioners (BCC) in 1994, is a service organization (now housed in the Department of Tourism and Cultural Affairs) dedicated to creating access to the arts and culture in Clackamas County. In 2007, the BCC approved a Three-Year Art Master Plan, which called for commissioning public art in parks, plazas, and other public spaces countywide. That is where I come in; a result of the Plan was the creation of a Public Art Manager position to facilitate plan adoption according to the County’s Public Art Policies and Guidelines and national “Best Practices” in public art. An added goal of this position was to work towards a public art program that addresses Clackamas County’s commitment to sustainability.


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