Douglas County : Transportation conditions report, I-5 interchanges 119/120
Douglas County (Or.)
Oregon. Dept. of Transportation
David Evans and Associates
Winston (Or.)
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Oregon. Dept. of Transportation
The Conditions Report project is intended as the first step in planning for long-range improvements.
This initial step is needed to gain a better understanding of both the current and the future deficiencies of
these two interchanges. In the future, an Interchange Area Management Plan will be drafted using
information from this Conditions Report to determine a preferred build solution that will solve the
transportation problems within this area. Both interchanges have structurally deficient bridges and traffic
operations limitations. The goal of this report is to identify and document conditions, limitations,
opportunities and needs so that subsequent planning can address all relevant issues and focus on those
that are most important. [From the document]
165 pp. Includes maps and figures. Published October, 2005. Received from ODOT January 2, 2007.
Transportation -- Oregon -- Douglas County -- Planning, Regional planning -- Oregon -- Douglas County, Land use -- Oregon -- Douglas County -- Planning, Express highway interchanges -- Oregon -- Douglas County, Interchanges, Interstate 5, I-5