Deschutes and Ochoco National Forests
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Item Open Access Walker Mountain communication site and forest plan amendment environmental assessment(2009-02) Deschutes National Forest (Agency : U.S.)Walker Mountain is a designated electronic site located on the Crescent Ranger District on the Deschutes National Forest. The Deschutes National Forest proposes to issue a special use permit to Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) authorizing the construction of a co-locatable communications tower and building to be located on the Walker Mountain Communication Site. In addition, BPA will remove two aged Forest Service towers and one building on the south end of the electronic site where historically significant buildings are located. Midstate Electric would remove the associated overhead powerline to those structures. All areas where removal takes place would be rehabilitated to a condition as close to the surrounding character of the site, as reasonable. The proposed action would require an amendment to the Deschutes National Forest Land and Resource Management Plan and the Walker Mountain Communications Site 1995 Revised Management and Development Plan.Item Open Access Big Table and Lytle Creek cattle allotment decision memo(2008-09-30) Deschutes National Forest (Agency : U.S.)Announces decision to authorize continued livestock grazing use within the Big Table and Lytle Creek Cattle Allotments consistent with existing management to continue to meet or move resources toward desired conditions.Item Open Access Trout Creek fish habitat restoration project decision memo(2008-09-24) Deschutes National Forest (Agency : U.S.)Announces decision to implement the following activities to improve stream channel complexity and function, improve riparian habitat adjacent to the stream and to provide fish passage at culvert barriers: stream structures will be installed to increase the number of pools per mile on 1.1 miles of Trout Creek, 1.7 miles of Dick Creek, and 1.5 miles of Auger Creek; stream banks will be sloped back and reshaped to increase floodplain access in areas where channel incision has occurred; four undersized culverts will be replaced in the project area; access to user created vehicle fords on Auger and Dick creeks will be blocked with partially buried boulders, large wood or stream structures.Item Open Access Flymon II stewardship project final decison memo(2008-09-24) Deschutes National Forest (Agency : U.S.)Announces decision to authorize project improving mule deer winter range and promote the growth of large diameter ponderosa pine. This will be accomplished on up to 300 acres by thinning conifer stands from below, mowing brush, and reintroducing prescribed fire. About 420,000 board feet (MBF) of timber will be removed through stand density reduction to promote the development of Late Old Structure (LOS) ponderosa pine forest. In addition, about 3 miles of road will be closed to restore hydrologic function to lower Fly Creek and about 10 acres of spotted knapweed, an invasive plant, will be hand pulled to reduce the risk of spread.Item Open Access Burn and Crystal Springs allotment management plan environmental assessment(2008-08) Lookout Mountain Ranger District (Or.)Proposes to reauthorize grazing and issue grazing permits for the Crystal Springs and Burn allotments, addressing the demand for livestock forage, and also the concerns over increased water temperature, decreased bank stability and modifications to riparian vegetation. Includes an early on/early off, deferred rotation grazing system and active management of livestock to facilitate desired distribution.Item Open Access East Maury fuels and vegetation management project record of decision(2008-07-08) Lookout Mountain Ranger District (Or.)Announces decision implementing modified version of Alternative 2 of FEIS, using commercial timber harvest, pre-commercial thinning, grapple piling, hand piling, and prescribed fire in the eastern half of the Maury Mountains for the treatment of fuels and vegetation management. Revised figures include 1295 acres of commercial thinning, 108 acres of noncommercial thinning, 328 acres of grapple piling, and 308 acres of prescribed burning.Item Open Access East Maury fuels and vegetation management project final environmental impact statement(2008-07) Lookout Mountain Ranger District (Or.)Proposes to use commercial timber harvest, pre-commercial thinning, grapple piling, hand piling, and prescribed fire in the eastern half of the Maury Mountains for the treatment of fuels and vegetation management. Includes approximately 7058 acres of commercial harvest including aspen treatments on 207 acres, noncommercial thinning on 11,038 acres, underburning on 7927 acres, grapple piling on 3433 acres, and 15 acres of hand piling.Item Open Access GW fire timber salvage project final decision memo(2008-06-27) Sisters Ranger District (Or.)Announces decision after the Need for Action, the Purpose of the Project, the interdisciplinary team analysis, and the public comment to salvage log some 2.86 million board feet on 218 acres of fire-killed timber, including white fir, ponderosa pine, and Douglas-fir. Includes ground-based logging, use of temporary roads, reforesting of desired tree species, and removing danger trees along commercial haul routes.Item Open Access Southside allotments draft environmental assessment(2008-06) Paulina Ranger District (Or.)Proposes to continue authorization of livestock grazing in the Heisler, Wind Creek, and Wolf Creek allotments using new grazing management standards and an adaptive management strategy. Use standards, known as Composite Pasture Resource Rating (CPRR), would be implemented pasture by pasture based on a weighted compilation of five different resource features (riparian vegetation, upland vegetation, soils, stream channel characteristics, and noxious weed risk), as well as a multiple resource assessment.Item Open Access Metolius River recreational residence special use permit re-issuance(2008-05-28) Sisters Ranger District (Or.)Announces decision to re-issue the permits for the 108 residences along the Metolius River. Components include re-issuing the permits, forbidding any additional lots beyond the 108 units on the tract, and providing any permit holder a one-year permit to bring the site into compliance.Item Open Access Crescent Lake recreational residences special use permit reissuance decision memo(2008-05-20) Crescent Ranger District (Or.)Announces decision to reissue the special use permit for the 72 privately-owned recreation residences along the shoreline of the Lake. Components include reissuing the permits, forbidding any additional lots beyond the 72 units of the tract, and providing any permit holder not in compliance with the terms a one-year permit to bring the site into compliance.Item Open Access Odell Lake recreation residences special use permit reissuance decision memo(2008-05-20) Crescent Ranger District (Or.)Announces decision to reissue the special use permits for the 66 privately-owned recreation residences along the shoreline of the Lake. Components include reissuing the permits, forbidding any additional lots beyond the 66 units on the tract, and providing any permit holder not in compliance with the terms a one-year permit to bring the site into compliance.Item Open Access Ochoco Valley project (2008) decision memo(2008-05-19) Lookout Mountain Ranger District (Or.)Announces decision to implement prescribed fire treatment on approximately 2500 acres and noncommercial mechanical thinning on about 600 acres within the wildland-urban interface in the Upper Ochoco Creek Watershed. Aims to reduce hazardous fuel loadings and to improve tree vigor by low density underburning, burning of hand piles, noncommercial thinning to remove small trees to a specified density using hand tools, and hand piling or lopping resultant slash before burning.Item Open Access Snowshoe project decision memo(2008-05-02) Lookout Mountain Ranger District (Or.)Announces decision to implement noncommercial small tree thinning and slash disposal on approximately 114 acres within the wildland-urban interface in the Bridge Creek Watershed. Includes reducing small tree density and hazardous fuel loadings by removing excess small trees up to 12 inches in diameter by hand tools and handpiling and burning or lopping the resultant slash.Item Open Access 2008 small tree thinning preliminary decision memo(2008-04-28) Crescent Ranger District (Or.)Announces decision to categorically exclude and proceed with project thinning small trees on approximately 2590 acres in 89 units to increase the growth and health of overcrowded stands not likely of commercial value. Includes thinning by hand with chain or brush saws of trees generally 15-25 years old and not larger than 6 inches in diameter leaving space of 18-20 feet, hand piling or removing with machines the resultant slash, and burning whatever cannot be chopped or utilized.Item Open Access GW fire timber salvage project preliminary decision memo(2008-04-15) Sisters Ranger District (Or.)Announces decision to implement the proposed action, to salvage log about 218 acres of fire killed timber, including white fir, ponderosa pine, and Douglas-fir. Includes ground-based logging, use of temporary roads, reforesting of desired tree species, and removing danger trees along commercial haul routes.Item Open Access Meissner Sno-Park and Nordic trails decision notice and finding of no significant impact(2008-04-11) Bend-Fort Rock Ranger District (Or.)Announces decision to implement a modified Alternative 3 of the project EA, including providing 120 additional spaces in the parking lot, constructing a shelter of up to 1370 square feet, providing a 1 acre staging area, constructing 7.8 miles of new trail, adding .4 miles of ungroomed trail, expanding the grooming area, constructing an additional toilet, and installing an information kiosk in the parking area.Item Open Access Meissner Sno-Park and Nordic trails environmental assessment(2008-04) Bend-Fort Rock Ranger District (Or.)Proposes to develop and improve facilities for Nordic skiers. Includes providing 9.7 miles of new trails, removing vegetation along the sides of existing roads and trails, expanding the grooming area, providing a terrain park, constructing a warming shelter with changing rooms and a small kitchen, enlarging the parking area, providing another toilet, constructing a staging area, constructing a signboard with maps and information, and replacing the dirt floor of the pole barn with a concrete floor.Item Open Access East Maury fuels and vegetation management project draft environmental impact statement(2008-04) Lookout Mountain Ranger District (Or.)Proposes to use commercial timber harvest, pre-commercial thinning, grapple piling, hand piling, and prescribed fire in the eastern half of the Maury Mountains for the treatment of fuels and vegetation management. Includes approximately 7058 acres of commercial harvest including aspen treatments on 207 acres, noncommercial thinning on 11,038 acres, underburning on 7927 acres, grapple piling on 3433 acres, and 15 acres of hand piling.Item Open Access Ryan Ranch Meadow/Aspen/Willow enhancement project final decision memo(2008-03-25) Bend-Fort Rock Ranger District (Or.)Announces decision to improve habitat conditions on approximately 95 acres of existing upland meadow, aspen and willow habitats in the Ryan Ranch Meadow area west of the Deschutes River by broadcast burning approximately 80 acres of upland meadow and by cutting encroaching lodgepole pine conifers 10 inches (dbh) and smaller on about 10 acres of existing willow habitat and five acres of existing aspen stand. Also includes enhancing the growth and survival of aspen by cutting all lodgepole pine 10 inches (dbh) and smaller, and lopping and scattering the slash.