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Item Open Access Flymon II stewardship project final decison memo(2008-09-24) Deschutes National Forest (Agency : U.S.)Announces decision to authorize project improving mule deer winter range and promote the growth of large diameter ponderosa pine. This will be accomplished on up to 300 acres by thinning conifer stands from below, mowing brush, and reintroducing prescribed fire. About 420,000 board feet (MBF) of timber will be removed through stand density reduction to promote the development of Late Old Structure (LOS) ponderosa pine forest. In addition, about 3 miles of road will be closed to restore hydrologic function to lower Fly Creek and about 10 acres of spotted knapweed, an invasive plant, will be hand pulled to reduce the risk of spread.Item Open Access City of Sisters Townsite Act conveyance environmental assessment(1999-05) Sisters Ranger District (Or.)Proposes to sell 240 acres of National Forest lands under the authority of the 1958 National Forest Townsite Act to the city for a sewage and wastewater facility system. Conveyance would be limited to that essential to community needs and would contain provisions consistent with protection of adjacent National Forest. Facilities would include sewer treatment ponds, infrastructure, an effluent distribution area, roads, a buffer for residential properties and a buffer to protect forest lands.Item Open Access Roads analysis report for Eyerly project area(2003-04) Sisters Ranger District (Or.)Analyzes road conditions on the 66.8 square miles of land accessed by 161.3 miles of road. Six-part process includes: setting up the analysis, describing the situation, identifying issues, assessing benefits, problems and risks, describing opportunities and setting priorities, and reporting.Item Open Access Metolius Basin forest management project draft environmental impact statement(2002-12) Sisters Ranger District (Or.)Proposes to implement fuel reduction and forest health management activities on 12,648 acres to reduce risk of wildfire, insects and disease; protect the safety of people, property, and tribal and natural resources; restore late-successional (old-growth) forests; and protect and restore watershed conditions. Includes thinning, underburning, restoring meadows and aspen stands, managing dwarf mistletoe, removing hazard trees, ground-based logging on 7332 acres, machine piling on 2078 acres, and inactivation or decommissioning of approximately 50 miles of roads.Item Open Access Lundgren land exchange environmental assessment(2002-04-03) Sisters Ranger District (Or.)Proposes to exchange the Lake Creek property, privately held by Metolius, LLC, for the Forest Service-owned Cliff and School properties. The Cliff property currently has an encroachment authorized by a special use permit held by The House on the Metolius. The School property contains church and school uses, and following the exchange, Metolius, LLC would donate it to the Black Butte School District.Item Open Access Round Lake Christian Camp decision memo(2006-08-10) Sisters Ranger District (Or.)Announces decision to approve the master plan for the reconstruction of Round Lake Christian Camp following the destruction of the August 2003 B&B Complex Fire. Includes rebuilding cabins, shower, bath facilities and auditorium, and building new facilities such as a 2-story caretaker residence with a shop on the first floor, and a second camper's cabin with a new shower and septic tank. Also includes increasing camp capacity, improving and enhancing the parking area, constructing outdoor spaces and trails, and planting and managing vegetation in the permit area.Item Open Access City of Sisters Townsite Act conveyance environmental assessment(1999-07-26) Sisters Ranger District (Or.)Announces decision to implement Alternative C of the project EA, immediately approving 160 of the 240 acres of National Forest lands for conveyance to the City of Sisters under the authority of the 1958 National Forest Townsite Act for a sewage and wastewater facility system. Conveyance would be limited to that essential to community needs and would contain provisions consistent with protection of adjacent National Forest. Facilities would include sewer treatment ponds, infrastructure, an effluent distribution area, roads, a buffer for residential properties and a buffer to protect forest lands.Item Open Access Heritage forest demonstration environmental assessment(2001-06) Sisters Ranger District (Or.)Friends of the Metolius proposed that the Forest Service analyze and implement this collaborative project as a demonstration of forest management methods, with the interest of educating the public about the need for, and outcomes of similar proposed management throughout ponderosa pine and mixed conifer habitat in the Metolius Basin. Includes establishing 8 small plots from 5 to 11 acres in which different types of vegetation management "treatment" would occur, including small and large tree removal, prescribed burning or mowing, all with the object of moving the forest stands toward sustainable old-growth conditions.Item Open Access Section 23 easement and road adustment environmental assessment(2000-10-10) Sisters Ranger District (Or.)Proposes to evaluate request by David Hermann of Pumpkin Pine LLC to abandon, relocate and consolidate some Forest Service road and rail easements across his private lands and build short sections of new road and trail to maintain the connections with the rest of the National Forest system. Includes Forest Service relinquishing easements along Roads 200 and 205, accepting a new easement for the new portion of Roads 300 and 340, a new connecting road built on Forest land, Forest Service acceptance of a new easement for the new portion of the Metolius-Windigo Trail, and the construction of a one-third mile segment of the trail so that it is further from the boundary of the Black Butte Ranch.Item Open Access Suttle Lake Resort and Marina master development plan(2001-07-26) Sisters Ranger District (Or.)Announces decision to implement Alternative B with minor modifications of the project EA, which addresses the types and level of structures, roads, and trails to be developed at the Resort, and addresses restoration, interpretive services, mitigation, and resource monitoring programs. Includes constructing a new entrance with a bridge over Lake Creek, a new Cascadian-style lodge, six permanent and six camping cabins and a store, a new maintenance building, 20 new parking spaces, restoring 3.9 acres of disturbed forest and riparian areas, and designating trails.Item Open Access Metolius heritage demonstration decision notice and finding of no significant impact(2001-08-17) Sisters Ranger District (Or.)Announces implementation of Alternative 4 of the project EA, treating eight small plots varying in size from 5 to 11 acres, using different silviculture treatments, small tree thinning, prescribed fire, and mowing of brush.Item Open Access Eyerly Fire salvage project record of decision and non-significant amendment #33(2004-08-02) Sisters Ranger District (Or.)Announces implementation of Article 2 of project FEIS, responding to the 2002 fire by salvage, fuels treatment, and reforestation. Includes salvaging the economic value of dead and dying trees and reducing fuels available to future wildland fires on approximately 4846 acres, planting conifers on upland forest lands on about 3918 acres, removing hazard trees along major roads and within Perry South and Monty campgrounds, and designating substitute areas for two old growth areas burned in the fire, which requires a substitution amendment.Item Open Access Bugs thinning project decision notice and finding of no significant impact(2001-10-01) Sisters Ranger District (Or.)Announces decision to implement Alternative 2 of the project EA, responding to the high mortality caused by the spruce budworm by thinning some 170,000 board feet of green trees on approximately 630 acres of forest stands where removal of dead trees was previously approved under the Santiam Late Successional Reserve Restoration EA (1998). Includes mostly ground-based thinning and salvage, with open areas replanted as needed to ponderosa pine, Douglas fir and western larch to establish long lived, fire-resistant species.Item Open Access McCache vegetation management project decision notice, Forest Plan amendment, and finding of no significant impact(2001-10-18) Sisters Ranger District (Or.)Announces implementation of Alternative 4 of the project EA with minor modifications, using a combination of vegetation and fuel management on approximately 5000 acres (about one-third of the project area). Includes harvesting of 29 million board feet, restoring aspen in about 81 acres of riparian reserves, and closing 27.5 miles of road.Item Open Access Trout Creek swamp restoration decision notice and finding of no significant impact(2002-05-15) Sisters Ranger District (Or.)Announces decision to implement Alternative 2 of project EA, restoring the natural hydrologic functions of the swamp by re-establishing historic, shallow stream channels through the interior. Includes digging channels by mechanical means, replacing the culvert under Forest Road 1520 with a more "fish-friendly" design, filling in the ditches to prevent water from flowing back into those created channels, removing some of the conifers, and actively controlling the amount of reed canarygrass by burning, flaming, and raising the watertable.Item Open Access Trout Creek swamp restoration environmental assessment(2002-02) Sisters Ranger District (Or.)Proposes to restore the natural hydrologic functions of the swamp by re-establishing historic, shallow stream channels through the interior. Includes digging channels by mechanical means, replacing the culvert under Forest Road 1520 with a more "fish-friendly" design, filling in the ditches to prevent water from flowing back into those created channels, removing some of the conifers, and actively controlling the amount of reed canarygrass by burning, flaming, and raising the water table.Item Open Access Metolius Basin forest management project final environmental impact statement and record of decision(2003-07) Sisters Ranger District (Or.)FEIS proposes to implement fuel reductions and forest health management activities on 12, 648 acres to reduce risk of wildfire, insects, and disease; protect the safety of people, property, and tribal and natural resources; restore late-successional (old-growth) forests; and protect and restore watershed conditions. Includes thinning, underburning, restoring meadows and aspen stands, managing dwarf mistletoe, removing hazard trees, ground-based logging on 7332 acres, machine piling on 2078 acres, and inactivation or decommissioning of approximately 50 miles of roads.Item Open Access Eyerly Fire salvage project final environmental impact statement(2004-07) Sisters Ranger District (Or.)Proposes to respond to the 2002 fire by salvage, fuels treatment, and reforestation. Includes salvaging the economic value of dead and dying trees and reducing fuels available to future wildland fires on approximately 4846 acres, planting conifers on upland forest lands on about 3918 acres, removing hazard trees along major roads and within Perry South and Monty campgrounds, and designating substitute areas for two old growth areas burned in the fire.Item Open Access B&B Fire recovery project record of decision(2005-08-02) Sisters Ranger District (Or.)Announces decision implementing Alternative 2 of project FEIS, harvesting fire-killed and damaged trees, reducing fuels, planting trees, removing trees that are hazardous to public safety, and reducing unneeded roads. Includes salvage harvest, fuels reduction and reforestation on approximately 6823 acres, yielding about 29.7 MMBF with both ground-based and helicopter yarding.Item Open Access B&B Fire recovery project draft environmental impact statement(2005-03) Sisters Ranger District (Or.)Proposes to harvest fire-killed and damaged trees, reduce fuels, plant trees, remove trees that are hazardous to public safety, and reduce unneeded roads. Includes salvage harvesting on 6803 acres, removal or cutting of dangerous trees along 146 miles of road, defensible space fuels treatment on 20 acres, ground-based yarding on 5847 acres, helicopter yarding on 955 acres, with 29.7 MMBF of timber harvested and 71 miles of roads decommissioned or inactivated.